Alcohol Off-Licence

OFF-LICENCE 60/OFF/12/2021 Endorsed under Section 40

Pursuant to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act (the Act), MCGEORGE BROTHERS LIMITED, (the licensee) is authorised to sell and supply alcohol, on the premises situated at 245A Wairakei Road, Christchurch, and known as "The MCGEORGE WINE CO. & THE WINEMAKERS WIFE", to any person for the consumption off the premises and to supply alcohol free, as a sample for consumption n the premises. 

The authority conferred by this licence must be exercised through a manager of managers appointed by the licensee in accordance with Subpart 7 of Part 2 of the Act.

ENDORSEMENT (Remote Sellers of Alcohol)
Section 40 of the Act applies to the licence, the licensee is authorised to sell alcohol from the premises and deliver it somewhere else.

a) No alcohol is to be sold or delivered on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day or before 1pm on Anzac Day.
b) Alcohol may only be sold or delivered on the following days and during the following hours:
c) An exemption from trading hours restrictions for remote sale of alcohol applies and may be made on anytime on any day.
d) The following steps must be taken to ensure that the provisions of the Act relating to the sale of alcohol to prohibited persons are observed: 

i) Display of appropriate signs adjacent to every point of sale detailing the statutory restrictions on the supply of alcohol to minors and the complete prohibition of sales to intoxicated persons

e) The following steps must be taken to ensure that the provisions of the Act relating to the management of the premises concerned are observed:

1) Alcohol must only be sold, supplied within the area marked on the plan submitted with the application.
ii) The licensee must implement and maintain the steps proposed in their host responsibility policy.
f) No direct sales may be made from 245A Wairakei Road, Christchurch.

Conditions applying to all remote sales for the sale and supply of alcohol:
a) The following information must be displayed on the internet site in a prominent place, in any catalogue used by the license holder and on every receipt issued for any alcohol sold via the internet site:
1) The licence holders name, the licence number and the date on which the licence expires.
b) A copy of the licence or a clearly identified link to such an image must be displaued in a prominent place on the internet site.
c) The following steps must be taken to verify that people are over the purchase age:

i) In the case of an order made using an internet site, telephone order, or physical order - the prospective buyer must declare that he/she/non-binary is 18 years of age or over (and where the prospective receiver is involved that the prospective receiver is also 18 years of age or over) - 
i) once, when the prospective buyer first commences the order process; and 
ii) again, immediately before the sale of alcohol is completed.

Section 57 - Display of licenses: Section 59 - Requirements relating to the remote sales by holders of off-licenses;
Section 214 - Manager to be on duty at all times and responsible for compliance; Section 215 - Circumstances where section 214 does not apply

Subject to the requirements of the Act relating to the payment of fees, and to the provisions of the Act relating to the suspension and cancellation of licenses, this lience continues in force--
a) either--
i) until the close of the period for which it was last renewed; or
ii) if it has never been renewed, until the close of 12 months after the day it was issued; but
b) if an application for the renewal ofo the licence is duly made before the licence would otherwise expire, either--
i) until the close of teh period of 3 years after the period for which it was last renewed; or
ii) if it has never been renewed, until the close of teh period of 4 years after the day it was issued.

The premises are identified on the plan provided with the application for a licence.

Dated at Christchurch, this 25th day of February 2021

Stephen Stout
(For the secretary, Christchurch District Licensing Committee)

Subject tot eh requirements above, the licence expires on the 23rd day of February 2024, unless again renewed.
Note: This licence replaces licence number 60/OFF/12/2018 issued by the Christchurch District Licensing Committee 

Copy of the OFF-LICENCE appears below